How to buy Autonolas token with credit card
Want to buy OLAS, but don't know how to get started? Follow these easy steps! All you need is an email address and a credit card.
Ondefy offers the fastest way to buy Autonolas
Follow these steps to get started:
1. Enter Amount
2. Connect your email or wallet
3. Pay by credit card or bank transfer
What is Autonolas?
Autonolas is a unified network of off-chain services such as automation, oracles, and co-owned AI. It provides a composable stack for building these services and a protocol for incentivizing their creation, enabling the operation of these services in a co-owned and decentralized manner. Autonolas is ideal for combining crypto and AI, executing complex logic in a decentralized manner, and interacting with on- and off-chain data autonomously and continuously. The project's goal is to be deployed on every major blockchain, powering their core off-chain services and realizing the vision of a unified network of off-chain services.
The OLAS token provides access to the network's core functions. Users can stake OLAS to operate off-chain services and lock OLAS in veOLAS to gain governance rights, thereby contributing to the shaping of the network. Furthermore, OLAS powers a unique system of developer incentives aimed at expanding the number of services in the Autonolas ecosystem. Governance members can boost ETH donations to desirable services, made up of autonomous agents and their software components and referred to as 'useful code', with OLAS from the protocol. Existing token holders can bond LP shares involving OLAS into the protocol to increase protocol-owned liquidity, known as 'useful capital'.
Autonolas DAO was established in the summer of 2022, and the public token launch took place via a liquidity bootstrapping pool in July 2023. The project is on a healthy growth trajectory and is regularly adding support for additional chains. For more information, visit the DAO’s website at
How do I buy Autonolas in 2025?
You can buy Autonolas using credit card (Visa or MasterCard), bank transfer, Apple Pay or Google Pay. All you need to do is to choose a fiat currency, e.g. CHF, and enter an amount. A conversion rate is calculated for you. Once you are happy with the rate, tap the "Continue" button to get started. At this point, you will need to connect your email or wallet (if you are buying crypto for the first time, it will be easier for you to use your email, but Metamask and WalletConnect are also supported). Depending on wether Autonolas is supported by our ramp provider, you may be invited to buy an intermediary token, that we will then swap to Autonolas for you. In this case, you will first need to sign a permit in order to allow us to perform this swap on your behalf. Finally, you will be able to choose your payment method, and finalise your purchase. If this is your first time buying with Ondefy, you will need to complete a short KYC (Known Your Customer) verification.
Is it safe to buy Autonolas?
Your payment processing is securely handled by our partner Transak, and your purchased Autonolas tokens benefit from the security of the blockchain. Nevertheless, as an investor you must assume the risk of owning cryptocurrencies, due to their inherent price volatility.